Thursday, September 30, 2010

3rd blog

I have just finished this picture. I found this one the easiest because I only needed to use one toot for the whole thing and there was a large amount of flat space. i missed some of the blue spots but everytime I go back to fix them they don't show up. This picture so far has been my fastest, easiest, and i'm glad i could get it done.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

my second blog

I am working on this picture of the Statue of Liberty. What i am trying to accomplish is to try and take the blue sky out. As you can see i have already gotten most of the blue around the crown gone. This might be difficult and it mgiht not be were just gunna have to find out for oursleves.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Blog

This is my first blog!          
           This is a picture of my computer graphics teachers dog. I find this picture complicated because it's almost as if every piece of this picture is different in multiple ways. The reasons I like the picture is because it looks like it was taken by a real photographer.